Garlic is flat spherical or short conical, with white or light brown membranous scales on the outside, scaly leaves peeled off, with 6 to 10 garlic petals inside, whorled around the flower stem, stem base discoid, with many fibrous roots. Each garlic clove is wrapped with a thin film and peeled off. White, thick and juicy scales can be seen. There is a strong smell of garlic, spicy taste. It has irritating odor, can be eaten or seasoned, and can also be used as medicine. The underground bulbs are divided into purple and white according to skin color. Ķiploki ir plakana sfēriska vai īsa koniska, ar baltu vai gaiši brūnu membranozu svari no ārpuses, zvīņainas lapas mizoti off, ar 6 līdz 10 ķiploku ziedlapiņas iekšpusē, whorled ap ziedu stumbra, stumbra bāzes diskveida, ar daudzām šķiedrveida saknēm. Katrs ķiploku daiviņa ir iesaiņota ar plānu plēvi un nomizoti off. Var redzēt baltas, biezas un sulīgas skalas. Ir spēcīga smarža ķiploku, pikantu garšu. Tā ir kairinošs smarža, var ēst vai norūdījies, un to var izmantot arī kā zāles. Pazemes spuldzes ir sadalītas purpura un baltā krāsā saskaņā ar ādas krāsu. Show the original text translated automatically
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